Best Practices

Test Results

In automated testing, this page has scored 100 points in all categories. The categories tested were: Performance, Accessibility, Best Practices, and SEO. The test was performed with Google's Lighthouse tool for measuring website performance.


Nobody wants to wait for websites to load. Fast loading times are a part of core web vitals because they significantly increase the user experience. We aim to make our sites take at most two seconds to load for a fast and smooth experience.


An accessible web is more important than ever. Making the web accessible to users with visual impairments increases the number of users you can reach.

Best Practices

Best practices make the web better for everyone. By following them, developers can understand code faster and provide a better experience for users. As a plus, they also make sites faster and more secure.

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization ensures that you rank well on search engines like Google or Bing. We ensure that we provide the necessary information to search engines to get a good ranking on related search queries.

The Test In Detail

You can take a look at the test yourself to see what factors played a role in the scoring. You can also reproduce the test with Google's Lighthouse.

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